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How to get creative with your slim artificial Christmas trees

If you’re looking for a slim artificial Christmas tree, there are many great options to choose from. But if you want your tree to stand out, then you need to get creative with how you display it. Here are some ideas that will help you make the most of your slim artificial Christmas tree:

Use multiple trees in different heights

The beauty of using multiple slim artificial Christmas trees is that they can be used in so many ways! For example, if you want to add height to your room, consider using two or three smaller trees instead of one large one. You could even use them as room dividers by placing them against opposite walls and placing them at different heights — this will create an interesting effect that looks great for parties and other celebrations.

Use different colored lights

One of the best ways to get creative with your slim artificial Christmas tree is by using different colored lights. This can be done by using light strings that have more than one color or by using light strings that have a combination of red, green, blue and yellow (RGBY). You can also use LED lights which come in all colors of the spectrum including white, blue and pink. If you want to get really creative with your slim artificial Christmas tree, then consider using RGBY lights on one side and white lights on another side to create different effects.

Hang something from the branches (or hang lights)

If you have a tall ceiling or an open space above where you plan on hanging your slim artificial Christmas tree, then this is a great option! You can use anything from ornaments to garlands as long as they’re not too heavy or bulky so they won’t cause any damage when touched by guests during festivities.

Add lightweight decorations

If you have heavy ornaments, try swapping them out for lighter ones. And if you don’t want to lose any of your decorations, consider moving them around so they aren’t all concentrated in one area — like at the bottom of the tree.

Get creative with placement

You don’t need to put all your weight at the top of your slim artificial Christmas tree — instead, try placing some heavier ornaments on lower branches and vice versa. This will make it look fuller without adding more weight to your tree and causing it to tip over.

Use fewer lights than normal. If you usually use 100 lights per foot on a full-size real tree, try using only 50 per foot on your slim artificial Christmas tree.

Add small decorations such as stars and bells to your branches by gluing them directly onto them using hot glue or another strong adhesive that won’t damage your tree’s branches when you remove it later on in the season. If you’re worried about harming your tree’s foliage, try attaching these small decorations with fishing line instead of glue so they’re easier to remove later on in the year when they begin to lose their color or turn brown from fading.