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What are the health benefits of using a full artificial Christmas tree?

The artificial Christmas tree has grown in popularity over the last few years. The vast majority of people will say that they have the real thing and not the artificial one. The reason for this is that they think it is better for the environment. This is not true, as most of these trees are made from plastic which is not biodegradable and will take many years to break down.

How a Full Artificial Christmas Tree Can Benefit Both You and the Environment

Using a full artificial Christmas tree can be great for your health, especially if you have children or pets around as there are no safety concerns with them. They don’t shed needles like real trees do and so there is no risk of anyone getting poked by them or having them fall on anyone causing damage or injury.

If you are using an artificial tree then you don’t need to worry about watering it or keeping it fresh through December either, which can be difficult if you have a busy schedule during December. The biggest benefit of using an artificial tree is that it saves you money. The cost of buying a real tree can vary depending on where you get it from and how big it is but on average, they cost between £20 – £50 each year which can add up quickly if you have more than one child.

Many people choose artificial Christmas trees over real ones because they’re more convenient, but did you know that there are actually some health benefits to using a full artificial Christmas tree?

Here are five reasons why you should consider switching to a full artificial Christmas tree:

They’re less likely to trigger allergies

If you or one of your family members suffers from allergies, an artificial tree may be a better choice for you. Most natural Christmas trees contain sap that can cause irritation when it comes into contact with skin or eyes. This sap is particularly dangerous if you suffer from asthma or other respiratory conditions as it can cause breathing problems and even trigger an attack. Artificial trees don’t have this problem because they don’t contain any sap at all.

They don’t require much maintenance

If you want to keep your house looking pristine throughout December then using an artificial tree could be a good idea for you because they require very little maintenance once they’ve been set up in the living room. This means that you won’t need to vacuum around them or wipe off dust every day like you would with a real tree, which will make things much easier for you if you’re busy with work or other commitments during the festive season.

They don’t shed Needles

When you use a real tree for your holiday decorations, you may find yourself sweeping up the needles that fall on the floor. This is not only annoying but could also be a safety hazard for anyone walking barefoot around the house. The best part about an artificial tree is that it will never shed its needles.